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 The week alone

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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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The week alone Empty
PostSubject: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 6:42 pm

Tracie walked through the quiet corridor of the west wing of her "house" sighing and trailing her fingers along the dusty surfaces along the way. Tracie streched and gave away a tremendous yawn when her whole body vibrated, looking down she quickly grab her phone and answered as politely as she could.

She was answered with a menancing tone warning her for the fifth time today, "Yes, I know that your going to be gone for the week." Tracie was started to get irritated by her "over-worring brother". "It's not like I'm going to be all alone the whole time ya know?" Tracie started to whine from all of the ongoing rules of what she could not do. Soon enough she hung up on her brother as the door bell rang.

She strided swiftly to the front of the house.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 6:51 pm

When she gets to the door Tracie sees Angel standing there with a very mysterious look on here face like she has just done something very wrong, yet her head is held down like she is straiing at her feet. Tracie is a bit confused of why she looks like this but invites her in anyways. Angels walks in but is hardly moving faster than a turtle. she plops down in a chair across the room from Tracie and stares at her for a short moment. "how are yuo doing on this fine evening?"
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:04 pm

"Fine, Bobby and the others left me all alone here for the week." Tracie said begrudgingly. "Here is the list of rules of what and what not to do." Tracie handed over the three page document to her friend. "And Lizzy is suppose to be stopping by. But your a very unnanounced one." Tracie pointed accusingly. "What sort of trouble have ya gotten yourself into?" Tracie crossed her arms waiting for an explination.

Tracie sat down beside Angel and yawned deeply. "Zuzaki is in your care since your here, the damn thing woke me up early today" Tracie whined.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:10 pm

"Why does everyone believe im always in trouble?" says Angel sarcasticly. "I haven't killed anyone and left them lying around if thatsw= whtat you want to know". Angels sits there looking at her friends face, hoping for a laught then looks down at the rules as she realizes Tracie will not laugh at what she says. Angel unsure of if Tracie believes her or not cauiously say "Tracie this sure is alot of rules, how do you follow all of them?"
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:18 pm

"Ya take this pill, and have fun until it wares off." Tracie laughed off while handing Angel the pill. "Just dont ask where i got it, whatever ya do dont ever look for anything in Geena's room thats where most things come from." Tracie jokingly said. Tracie downed the pill in one go and got up to the kitchen. Tracie searched desperately through the cabinets of the kitchen, "Now where is Bobby's precious treasure." Tracie pondered as she haphazardly through cabinets and drawers.

"Ah there it is." Tracie almost done a touchdown dance. She shown the item to Angel. "Yes its Bobby's specail honey tea. Would he be angry if we so happen to drink it all?" Tracie smirked devilishly. As she began to fill the pot with water and about to put on the hot surface of the stove.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:25 pm

Angel thinks to herself about this strange pill but she takes it anyways. "hey Tracie what is this that you gave me and what does it do?" still wondering about this strange pills she trys to thonk pf other things than what this pill will do to her.
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:37 pm

"Shh, don't worry about that." Tracie patted Angel on the head and procceeded with making the tea. She gave a big streech of her arms then yawned again. "I'm so tired" Tracie hummed sleepily. "The pills are to help drowziness. Tracie half lied. "Bobby wont allow us out of the mansion......again." Tracie was getting depressed of the same scenery all of the time.

"Ya rather be here with me, being bored. Some reason i feel offened by your presence." Tracie jokenly poke Angel in the side.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 7:41 pm

"well isn't it better for me to be where someone can watch me than out getting introuble? you never know what might happen if im alone" Angel says jokingly. "besides your my best friend id rather be here" Angel again says jokingly. "So Tracie whatcha wanna do now?" "im getting kinda tired and i dont want to sleep" lol!
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:08 pm

"Hmmm, do ya want to break rule number two and terrorize some people outside." Tracie gave a devilish smirk, "I can call Lizzy to join along with the shenanigans. Although she may tell us bluntly to go to hell." Tracie feigned death. She started to laugh as she dialed the fimilar number as she walked towards the front door. She waited beside the door for the answer, Tracie groaned as the third ring went by until finally Elizabeth decided to answer.

"Hello, this is Pizzahut! May I take your order." Beth jokenly answered her phone. "Hey Beth you want to mess with peoples minds?" Tracie began bickering until the verdict was reached. "Yes I will join you when I finally ditch Darren." Beth nearily groaned as the annoyance wont go away no matter where she went. "I'll meet ya near the park." Beth hanged up so she can sneak away.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:14 pm

when Tracie put the phone down i grabed her hand and took off running to the park. we nearly fell dow the steps we ran so fast. i was ready to mess with some people, what fun we will have i thought to myself. we waited what felt like forever for beth to show up. i knew that when she did all hell would break loose.....for awhile atleast
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:21 pm

Tracie had already started to terrorize some poor unsubspecting peoople all she did was tap them on there shoulders and when they turned she was nowhere to be found. The worst thing she had done so far was to act like a ghostly presence in the woods of the park. Soon enough the group of teenagers running away, Tracie burst out laughing hard enough to fall off the branch she was laying on. "Oww." Tracie rubbed the back of her wounded head.

"Serves you right." Beth said bluntly. Beth had crossed her arms and looked straight into Tracie eyes trying to stay composed though the humorous scene before her. "Now where is the other trouble maker." Beth scolded as she scaned the trees above her.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:27 pm

But of course Angel was no where to be found. Angel was down by the creep hiding in the trees tripping people with sticks and throwing stones at them, she even picked one kid up and threw him and when he looked around to see what happened Angel was nowhere insite. she quickly became bored of this and went back to Tracie and Beth, trying not to loook as if she has done something wrong. of course the two are very causious of anything Angel may do while she is alone.
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:38 pm

"Where have you been?" Beth scolded as she inspected Angel like a worried mother hen. Tracie scoffed off by Beth antics. Beth just shot off a glare towards Tracie. "Got something to say?" Beth steemed off. "No ma'am" Tracie feigned innoccence. "I'm hurt that you would think im lying to you." Tracie dramatically covered her chest like she was stabbed. Beth rolled her eyes. "So lemme guess you there was physically harming people, and you were mentally harming them." Beth pointed a finger to both of the girls accusing them of their crimes.

Tracie faced the other way hiding her eyes. "I did no such thing. I was just resting on the tree limb, and so happen to fall off." Tracie lied horribly. Beth gave off a unconvincing look. "So care to explain how you were laughing so hard in your 'sleep'" Beth poked some fun.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:43 pm

"i would never hurt anyone" Angel says. "Beth why do u have to be such a worry bug?"
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 8:53 pm

"With two idiots like yourselves, I gotta be." Beth answered nonchalantly. She shooked her head. "Wheres the mile long list?" Beth held her hand out waiting. "I kinda lost it." Tracie still not looking straight into beth eyes. "Lizzy so I take it you finally lost him." Tracie yelled enthusicastically. Tracie started to hop side to side. "If I didn't I wouldn't be here." Beth told her in a bored tone.

Tacie held her phone behind here and pressed three on her speed dial. "So he doesnt know that we're in the wood beside the park." Tracie gave a small smirk towards Angel. "Thats exactly what I meant." Beth was growing more annoyed by the minute
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 9:00 pm

angel is glad she wasnt the only one getting annoyed. she didnt know exactly what tracie was doing but she somehow seemed to know. she feels this weird conection to tracie but doesnt think much about it. she gets annoyed with beths voice so angel runs up a tree and back down over and over making beth yell.
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 9:08 pm

Beth watched as Angel climbed up and down the tree for the past five minutes and it seems like none of her threats were getting to her. "Pick one either stay up in the damn tree all night or get down, maybe we can go get ice cream." Beth began to fibb, just to get the over energenic friend to calm down long enough. "What do you have ADD or something?" Beth continue to become more annoyed.

As Elizabeth was destracted, Tracie put the phone to her ear and started to talk quietly to the person on the other line. "So ya heard where we were? No, not that one, the one near my house." Tracie whispered as quietly as she could and started to giggle. "Whats so funny?" Beth fumed with embarrassment. "Nothing!" Tracie yelped in surprised and quickly shut her phone behind her.

Last edited by Tracie Lazarus on Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:19 am; edited 2 times in total
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 3:17 am

angel was so excited at the thought of ice cream she didnt realize what tracie was going when she usually knows every move she makes without even looking at her. angel runs as fast as she can to the nearest ice cream shop leaving the two far behind.

she nearly knocks down everyone in her path and none of them ever saw her. when the other two arrive angel has already eaten 6 ice cream cones and says "where have u two been?"
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 3:27 am

"Not trying to be suspicious, like a certain someone." Tracie started to mimic Beth's attitude. Beth ignored Tracie, and took a seat in the booth. Waiting for Tracie to order her ice cream. "Mint this time!" Beth called over. Tracie gave a smirk and stubbornly took her place in line. Beth turn to stare at Angel, "What the hell did a whole army came and ate here?" Beth teased Angel.

When Tracie finally walked to the booth she saw the collection of wrappers on the table. "So who tried to eat the whole stock of ice cream?" Tracie asked in concern. "Ya know alot of dairy is no good for anyone. Let alone the sugar for you." Tracie laughed at the thought of an even more hyped up Angel. Tracie and Beth both grimance to the thought of it.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2012 3:35 pm

Angel had so much sugar she could barely sit still long enought to eat Tracie and Beth to eat their ice cream.

Angel was ready to go back to the park and mess with more people. Tracie and Beth knew they could not take Angel back because they wouldnt beable to handle her.
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 12:18 am

While Tracie and Beth continue their ice cream as they had seen Angel bolt out the door like her life depended on it, Tracie sighed and looked straight in the eye of Beth. "Do we even want to know?" Tracie asked while finishing up her fudge sundae. Beth trailed her eyes to the door, the door was still swinging from when Angel bolted out five minutes ago. "Shouldn't that door already stop swinging by now." Beth said wide eyed in disbelief.

As they left the Ice Cream Parlor, they happen to see Angel fooling around with some more people. "Typical, should have know better!" Beth fumed. Tracie just shook her head, "So childish." Tracie sighed. "Your not one to talk ya know?" Beth countered, they both started to walk the seperate direction, going back towards the Lazarus Mansion.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 5:42 pm

angel runs up behind tracie and try to play tricks on her but tracie already knows angel is coming. angel says "we need to get rid or beth so we can have some real fun".
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 5:51 pm

Tracie giggled, "Well maybe you should run that one pass Lizzy." Tracie joked. Beth gave a death glared towards Angel.
"So in other words, by the time Bobby and them come back, the house will be completely destroyed." Beth said caculating. "I'm sure as hell not cleaning that up again." Beth said bluntly Elizabeth quickly left like she didn't even know the two girls.

"Well you scared her off pretty fast." Tracie was in total shock. "Thats an accomplishment for life." Tracie said in sarcasm.
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Angel Valentine
Angel Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 5:57 pm

angel passed tracie some alcohol and saaid "here now let the real party begain. lets get drunck and piss people off as they come outta the bar up the road, wanna?" drunken
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Tracie Lazarus
Tracie Lazarus

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PostSubject: Re: The week alone   The week alone Icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 6:10 pm

Tracie smirked, "Well thats the first good idea that I've heard all night. Although I don't know if we would be able to get in." Tracie said looking at her attire. "Also I look like an eighteen year old." Tracie said with dissapointed eyes. Tracie started fiddling with her blouse. "Although if we have Darren with us we may, just maybe be able to get in." Tracie laughed, "But I don't know if he would be willing to carry your drunk ass back home with me." Tracie teased.

Tracie picked up her phone and dialed the familiar number once again.
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