By the time the two girls got to the enterance of the club, Darren had already arrived and was in front of the line. Waving the two girls down to him. "Don't tell me you were holding this whole line up." Tracie fumed angrily, Darren laughed uneasily like his life was on the line. Tracie look down to see his attire, "What the hell? Now I feel like I'm exteremely underdressed." Tracie felt humilated. Darren scoffed at the scene that Tracie was starting, "I only just got out of a shoot." Darren tried to calm the rambling Tracie before she tried attacking people for their opinions.
Once Tracie had calmed down enough for them to actually be able to enter the club, the bouncer eyed Tracie down. "Wait, those two don't look like they are old enough." the bouncer said not letting the two girls in. "They are the same age as me." Darren aruged with the bouncer. During the arugement, Tracie took the oppertunity to sneak in. Taking Angel by the wrist, Tracie quickly rushed through the door.